Would Adlai Stevenson have been a good president?
Godfather remake
Why do you/ don’t you believe monogamy is natural for humans.
If you had $500K to invest, would you invest it in the S&P 500 or would you hold off?
How would you rate her titties from 1-10?
I’m completely inexperienced (virgin) and he’s really experienced
Was Barry M.Goldwater racist?
Is Trump crashing the market on purpose?
What's the most memorable film soundtrack, in your opinion?
Who's a more evil character, Ralph or Ritchie?
AITA for not paying for my nephew's tuition after he was rude to my son?
She holds out on me for months and then when I get mad about it she says relationships aren't about sex. It's been 4 months. Is this normal?
What can women do to be great in bed?
Why can he last so long when I am blowing him but less during sex ?
If you know someone is cheating
Do you think that any party will have the presidency for longer than 2 terms ever again?
BREAKING: Trump Administration Orders U.S. Department of Education Evacuated by 6 PM
Who's the most fiscally conservative president we've had?
How often do guys get boners?
Okay, okay, not including anyone elected after 2016, who was the last truly terrible president?
Had gore won in 2000, would people rally behind him and the democrats after 9/11? More importantly, would republicans?
Just got dumped after 4 years
Grant at Gettysburg
How long since you last had sex? With who? Was it good?
Having trouble initiating sex with gf because of the asshole