AITA for not paying for my nephew's tuition after he was rude to my son?
What do I do about this? PUA:Win32/Softcnapp threat
Hungry Fish Tavern 🐟🥣
WotC's new license for creators is a sham—"OGL" in name only (leaked report from Gizmodo in the comments)
Zodiac points visual or real bug
...but you are not Henderson
Fighter players has been getting a lot of heat after the Critical Hit changes.
Me when thinking about what to play in the upcoming one shot.
The wikipedia page for F.A.T.A.L. is a wild ride
roll with advantage and still roll 1
I love blaidd so much.
By Nina Milosavljevic and Luka Stoisavljevic – In Kragujevac, Serbia
Need to stop buying these...
A possible workaround for unsupported vga?!
Always wondered where the riddle originated.
8Corpses (my artwork)
So beholders aren't violently xenophobic anymore?
Longbows should be a STR weapon
Not Enough Content - by Rise of the Rulelords
I'm a Warlock and that's why I don't care for the situation
The illusion of control/The illusion of DM-ing
My biggest gripe with rocksmith
What happened to the Trove?
This is not a drill!