For Muslims, what are your thoughts on Idol Worshippers
Would Judaism be considered pagan?
Why are pagans much more progressive than people of abrahamic faiths?
Converting to Judaism?
Christmas and Saturnalia
Why is there the belief that Jews, Christians and Muslims worship three distinct seperate dieites?
How do you view pagans?
What do you guys enjoy about a church service?
Are we gods/godesses?
What do you think of revivalist religious groups becoming more popular active irl?
Temple to Zeus and Pan
Why masturbation is sin in Christianity and Islam??
What is the most controversial "denomination" within your religion?
Christian Nationalism
Just exhausted and frustrated by how crazy antisemitism is by people who literally worship a Jew. Lamenting
What are your thoughts on a controversial 'eye for an eye' justice system ?
What's with the weird, self-inflicted internet censorship these days?
If the pope told catholics to take up arms and start killing another group would they obey him?
Zecher et Amalek vs Zeicher et Amalek, what difference does it make?
Celebrity Jeopardy last night
For those whom observe dietary laws most strictly, does preparing a Seder plate cause any problems?
Wikipedia having a normal one I see
Whats the most annoying type of posts here?
Japanese Songs Rate, Day 2: Say say don't give up! Say say don't give up!
tour! which show(s) are you going to?
Questions about Easu and Jacob.