"Your shoulders are broader than mine"
I feel like somehow the heckin’ valid genderfuck trannies get off easier
I learned the guy who made the FtM roachification comic [Lacryboy] makes pedo and incest porn
presented without comment
how do some trans people not have bottom dysphoria/ how do people even cope
Theyfab sister theyfab’d too close to the sun.
this guy is livin the life
fat beast rico eats ice because his gluttony is never ending (cr: icetdn1)
Yo-chan Stuns In Most Recent Gyu (gyu-ing for two!)
The rarest of the rare: intersex people who have ambiguous genitalia that do not experience sex incongruence.
When and WHY did people stop using "gender reassignment" and start using "gender affirming" when referring to transsexual medicine?
The heart on Katsunori's face is for Yo-Chan. No matter their differences... love wins.
Stupidpollers asked what they disagree with marx on, insanity ensues
Mods, delete this if it doesn’t fit the sub.
Which art style do you prefer for a seal app game?
Did you know?
Cis people are so self absorbed and think everything is about them.
Give me your hottest take that would've got you blacklisted in your fandom.
A cool guide on how to be a liberal hypocrite!
new party name
Seal bone
sometimes i feel good about my proportions until i have to take off my clothes to shower
I am. a genius.