A journey in search of toothpaste
Golden Skull Necklace
Show me your birbs!
What's the worst "Bonus" a job has ever given you?
From ugly lawn to native plant oasis (near Seattle WA)
Classmate asked if I'd go to a dance with him if he paid me. Destroyed my self-confidence for today.
Shooting pain in butthole…I know this has to be a universal experience for women?!
8.5 year old still hasn’t lost any teeth
I’m sad & need help with my perspective.. I think?
1890s sleeves are BANANAS
My 11yo is No Fun
Is this an okay way to do satin stitches? I'm trying to be frugal with my thread on the back
I can't win....even at the gym
Post your extreme close ups
She just wanted to see the sun ✨
Parents, What Cartoons Do You Actually Enjoy Watching With Your Kids?
Pygmy short-horned lizard, central OR
I got to meet this lovely lady...
Her silliness knows no bounds
What bragworthy thing have your kids done recently?
Never had kids, am in my early 20s, and need advice after going to urgent care
Wife fed up
The art vs the artist
A friend I made today
I hate weekday mornings with my kids /vent post