I taught my Tank a lesson
What is your least favorite area in the game?
Thanks, I hate the new caps for the Rangers and Angels
Thoughts on this Episode?
This is my personal tier list on every Alternate Costume in MKT. What do y’all think of it?
Thanks, I hate tree lips
What is this?
That’s one way to mess up the gap jump
What's your favorite Season 7 episode?
Thanks, I hate it
I saw this now I share this horror
Finally beat smash ultimate!
Hey everyone I have a question
Consistency is why one grinding method is better than the other
Boo just hates me
Hopefully this Orange Yoshi learns from his mistake
There’s nothing better than an incredible turn of events on the final lap
I Got Sad Star :(
Do you prefer the Nerd with short sleeves or long sleeves?
A sprite art of Jenny flying in the sky
Cursed Casting
Which Clothing Design for all Class is your Favorite?
Back on balls
This one attack dealt over 7,500 damage
i hate gate keypers,but for some reason i think i Dislike this one more
I want to see everyone name a game you want ssundee to play, I'll go first