My son (13) and I just started playing and got DECIMATED by trolls, greylings, and even some boars. Should I lower the difficulty, or wait for better gear?
Hammer mode is one of the best new things
Bring bonfire mats on your swamp excursion...
first few hours on an electric as a beginner, tried conjuring something of my own!
Bout to delete my account I swear
These are the names my sister in law picked for her kids.
Racism around campus
How many 5g silica gel desiccant packets should I use in my 64oz mason jars
big haul coming in soon.. how can i store 3oz of dried shrooms?
how to spice up a trip a bit?
why do y'all be doing this 😭
To all the people who feel the Trump indictment is bogus, why do you think that?
How can I compress softer vocals without getting too much of that breathiness for the end result?
Garage/Alt Rock | Mix Feedback? How does the overall clarity and fullness sound?
What are the best prerolls in az?
Does anybody else hear distortion in all music?
High longue meet up??
Just discovered I have perfect pitch, wtf
Will better speakers sound better in an untreated room?
what DAW do you guys recommend for mainly vocal recordings and mixing?
What do you guys think of sage audio?
Don’t waste ur money even on deelz Wzrd carts
She meows and meows as soon as I close my bedroom door for sleep. Help!
How many years does it take to get a decent mix to put out there?
Spay Recovery Experiences?