Pork chops never disappoint
Had to ROTT
PG27AQDP 27” | PG248QP 24.1”
Had to ROTT these. The chocolate and coffee really slaps you in the face!
Little cigar break
Little smoke break
Happy New Years from Dubai
My G63 AMG came in today
Finally got my dream combo
15-16k ELO, dropping 30+ kills with 500h played, worst movement you've seen and preaiming everyone through walls and toggling aimbot when peeking https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199026736070
Le Bijou pairs really well with some dry red wine imo
Today’s Haul
1, 2 or 3 ? (already own the T1 Nocts f0.19)
CS2 ruined my life
What do we think of this? Which other gloves would look good?
Olmec Clairo
Today’s haul
New Haul from Dubai Duty Free