How did Cap find out?
Say Cheese! Professional pictures, 1875-1980s
Whats the craziest thing a teacher said to you?
Most Iconic Moment: Series 6!
What to watch next?
What is a tv show you think everyone forgot about ?
[TOMT] A friend posted this on FB. I can’t figure out what movie it is for the life of me.
The word "soda" sweeps across the US.
TIL Jerald terHorst was Gerald Ford's press secretary for only month. He resigned after Ford granted Nixon a pardon, which he found especially unconscionable in light of Ford's refusal to pardon draft dodgers during the Vietnam War
Who is the handsome young man? will be go on to star in bigger things?
When most celebrities die, so many nice things are said about them. But who’s a celebrity that died that no one really said great things about afterwards?
[TOMT] A rock song(?) i have stuck in my head
IMO Kitten with a whip is the best (actual) movie MST3K has done.
Donald Trump is tanking our economy and JD Vance is trying to blame it on Biden.
TIL of Priapus, a Greek God who once beat a donkey to death with his massive, permanently erect penis.
What has gradually disappeared over the last ten years without people really noticing?
"You ate what!?"
My aunt and her photographer boyfriend from the 70s
Trump buys a Tesla. - ''Elon Musk has devoted his energy and his life to doing this and I think he has been treated very unfairly. You shouldn't be penalized for being a patriot”
What’s the pettiest thing you won’t forgive a celebrity for?
Many parts are edible!
Euell Gibbons - Ever eat a pine tree?
Trump says it is illegal to boycott Tesla
What did you think would never happen to you, until it did?
What is this?