Is it worth it?
Jag imorgon:
Worth it to start again as a low spender/F2P?
Newish player need advice
Day 2 playing f2p
Should keep Guinevere or change mage?
How y'all be acting rn
Aide pour une team je suis à mon 23e jour de jeu
Hi! I need some help with team building!
3 in a row in 40 pulls in miracle summon
Sacred Blessing event
What do you think about my archer push-up technique?
Is this guaranteed?
Got some backlash for saying I’m at Henry’s level. What’s your thoughts?
Need a newbie pilot
Damm I almost use my last 100 scrolls Lol
Error Code (0x2)
Last Epoch has THE BEST necromancer out of any ARPG
CoF or MG in the current state of the game?
This sub rn
Is an overly arched back ideal for squatting in some cases?
Chinese players are spamming negative views on steam page of Baldur's Gate 3
2024 was a good year for games imo
Is this a well-balanced and nice workout plan for muscle gains?