FAMAS vs MP9 daily usage since the update
How CT or T sided each map is at different ranks
M4 usage before & after the price change
Train is the least played map in Premier Season 2 so far
The most popular maps in Premier Season 2 so far
Rank Distribution so far in Premier Season 2 vs End of Season 1
0.6% of Shanghai Pick'Ems resulted in Diamond
How many CS matches did you play this year? Data from 692k players.
donk 1v5 w/ keystrokes visualized
Celebrating 5 years of Leetify in action!
5 Years ago today we first posted on r/GlobalOffensive - thanks for helping Leetify get off the ground!
Comp MM Rank Distribution - Before & After the Update
Premier ratings plotted against smokes per game/time to damage. (Credit : @H7pernerd, leetifyPDL)
Overpass was becoming less popular each month in Premier
Attn Leetify Users: Google Ad Phishing Scam
Update: Leetify halts processing FACEIT demos due to expensive API changes
Do Premier ranks still need adjusting? (Current Distribution & Comparison to CS:GO)
Do the M4A1-S and M4A4 need to be rebalanced?
Pistol rounds matter slightly more in CS2 than in CSGO
always love to get this message
20% of the playerbase prefer Competitive over Premier