Armoured Krillin in Space
Vegeta as Homelander
My first ever One Piece figure in my collection, Who's ur fav character
in space nobody can hear you
Metal Gear Solid 6 looks crazyyyyyy
CT spidey 2.0
Best Wolverine yet, whts your fav Wolverine fig?
If I had these feet in box does that mean it's not CT Toys version?
Friday the 13th Jason Vorhees
Teen Gohan, Who's your fav DB character?
never buying another one
Teen Gohan (My Toy Photography)
Terminator 2 Judgment Day What's your fav figure?
Guile vs Deehjat..Who's your fav SF character
The Best Metroidvania to Ever Exist
Hello Kitty Island Adventure will use Denuvo
Superman Who Laughs, Whats your fav DC villain?
The Sims Legacy Collection / The Sims 2 Legacy Collection [DODI Repacks]