let’s play!! first: most underrated song?
TVD quote that starts with n?
What’s the dumbest thought(s) you had when you first became a Swiftie?
Hypothetical TVD Reboot: Who Would You Cast?
Elimination game: who's out next?
Can we talking about how Candice should’ve played elena since she looks more book accurate than Nina?
What Taylor song SOUNDS the most sad and also has the saddest LYRICS?
let’s play a game— day 1: who is the first to die in a horror movie?
MitID pune isn't taking registrations anymore??? pls batao if y'all know
Chuck's worst outfits (disclaimer at the top)
Katherine Pierce Core…
Do you agree with it?
I unironically believe this is one of the best plot twists in TV history
favorite mikaelson?
my moms superache ranking!
Who is the best Human in TVD
Which one of Caroline's formal dresses is your favorite
Who is the most Underrated Couple
Characters that remind me of Maddy & Cassie
Let's not say things we don't mean
lonely dancers #conangay
Does anyone else remember Jules the Werewolf?
this type of layering makes me so mad
What lesser known Taylor Swift song do you really love and don’t get why it isn’t more popular?