Why didn't the alt marks just leave lol *spoilers
What will happen if I skip a day of E?
Cum inside of me 😝💦
Goal is to come out in 2025 and start transitioning in 2026 😅🥰😘
Does the risk of gaining weight increase on monotherapy?
anyone else weirded out by how this sub's talked about trans women recently or just me?
T gel for erectile function. How is it absorbed locally?
It’s stuff like this that make me want to be a girl
Why is DIY not more widespread?
Did anyone else think Prince Lothric was a girl at first?
If i get off HRT now how long do i have until i masculinize?
With the dictator in chief in the US banning all GAC for people under 19, will the sub still provide DIY advice for the 18 year olds affected by the ban?
Tgirl into this?
Hello i was lurking here for some time but never commented on anything but now i wonder whats up with admiring guro art? is there a scientific reason?
Can I use topical T cream with estrogen monotherapy or will the estradiol suppress the effects of the topical T cream?