Coffee/tea preferences
9.5 miles done. 4'4" & 59 yrs old
Got my PiDay Run Done
How do you take your coffee? ☕️
RUNNERS SUPPORT POST: How has your week of running been?
Sock Saturday here, socks from yesterday, hard at work.
Selfie Sunday
You MUST pretend you don't care. Period.
18, 20, 21, and nearly 52
Mermaid tail socks 🧜♀️
When you were insecure about your big forehead at 16 and give zero Fs when you're 53.
Saturday Socks
Ceasar Forearm Friday. Cheers everyone!!
What is something that you're really looking forward to?
Who do you think is the most overrated actor?
3.14 miles #PieDay Run
M59 173lb 4'4" Outside of the gym getting it done!
dwarfism or just short
What historical "fact" did you learn in school, that later turned out to be completely wrong or misrepresented?
Happy American PI Day
It’s the 70s. You’re in grade school. What was your after-school routine?
New dress I think is cute
What is something someone has said to you that they thought was a compliment but really wasn't?
What do you do for self care?
Why is it so much harder running on the treadmill?! 😭😫