Best Sakamoto days music anime douga l have ever seen, shit got me emotionnal. (Spoiler) ( Source : Daren on youtube /Link in the comments)
Since it is Ramadan, let's bring back the Muslim meme edits. Happy Ramadan, brothers! (The sources are in the comments.)
What a son of a meat
Saw this in the indian anime subreddit (source Anxious_One5339)
l got this random message after making a post about Korra and Asami lol. l dont know what tag to use but l found it super funny and random so what is your opinion lol ?
What romance plot in an isekai made you react like this and why ? Spoiler : The Aisha/Ars romance in Mushoku Tensei killed my soul.
Season 4 ep 1 leaks
What's an anime where even though you haven't read the source material, you can just tell that it completely butchered the source material?
What’s the most disturbing / dogshit anime relationship you’ve ever seen?
What a magnificent photo isn’t it 🥹
Bro is someting else in the movies lol 😭 (edit by me)
Why WON'T invincible Get a Better Studio?
Guys we've been main subbed🥹
Never forget monkey weakness 😭 (edit by me)
Which widely hated anime character would you defend no matter what?
That camera guy 📷 was WAAAAYYYY to close to deku🤮
Who are some popular Anime characters you don't like?
What anime character do you think deserves the hate?
Which anime do you regret watching/reading?
Now that Part 2 has more chapters than Part 1, which part do you like the most so far?
Zuko going into a three day coma after doing something good will never cease to make me laugh lol.
Video games with this aesthetic?
Curious, has there ever been a anime you loved but it had that one character who was the embodient of this image?if so,who was it?
Je suis une étudiante étrangère en France, et j’ai du mal à m’intégrer dans la société et parmi les autres étudiants.
(Spoiler) I just finished the first season of The Legend of Korra. Am I the only one who thought Asami was this female Chi Blocker and an Equalist for the entire season lol ?