And and and and and
This came to me while I was half asleep this morning
I’ve seen “favorite trope,” “pet peeve,” etc. Gimme your favorite *niche tag*.
What purpose does “the best part” here serve?
What exactly the English level of this community members 🤔
U.S. Space Force quietly released the first ever in-orbit photo from its highly secretive Boeing’s X-37 space plane
"Every experience that they have had in 5 months was not first time for him ." is it correct grammatically
The books feature lesbian necromancers in space.
What do you call these? "Plastic cutlery"?
there אין't no way
what does ’keys‘ mean?
Why don't languages think about being easy for foreigners to pronounce?
If I were copying someone's words down for something like magazine, would I include their stuttering
Is "there isn't/aren't" correct?
Noticed something as someone who likes both Harry and Hermione. Harry fans usually like or are neutral to Hermione. Now I don’t read every Harry ship out there, but Hermione bashing is relatively rare in the ships I do read. The same can’t be said for many Hermione fans/shippers
Skyrim mods walked so BG3 mods could run
I have no medical credentials but trust me guys!!!!!!
Language teachers hate this one trick!
Imagine being such an NPC you won't even entertain the idea of eating shit
I downloaded the app HelloTalk
A question I had 8 years ago
What’s the most embarrassing mistake you’ve made while speaking Spanish?
How mirror works
to understand how a mirror works
How do you know the collocations you use are natural or not?
Sticking with Fanfics Over Source Material Due to Kink Preferences