<3 _.._
Join the collarbone gang discord!
Anyone else tired of Microsoft using us for beta testing?
What’s a random fact about yourself that sounds completely made up but is 100% true?
New distro just dropped
Kitchen Nightmares spin-offs
The wet floor signs in this café are shaped like banana peels.
What are the negative effects of AI that most people often overlooked?
Why do calls to a direct inward dialing number always go to the reception?
Conical thread making *UK*
what professions seems great on the surface but can drain the hell out of you by corporations that want to exploit your starry-eyed passion for profit?
What is ruining your mental health?
Needed Software
Chaotic good may be chaotic, but it's good.
I'm a spherical cow, AMA
what’s your favorite animal?
A "delete funds" option for your savings account
The device has 5 intensity levels; the naming scheme is total crap
What’s the most useless piece of advice you’ve ever received?
let’s not pretend self-checkout is convenient
DAE just snap the spaghetti noodles in half, so they actually fit in the pot?
what's a weird fantasy you can't share with anyone ?
If you could erase one thing from the internet forever, what would it be?
What’s the dumbest way you’ve injured yourself?