I have this thing where I have two big obsessions in life: being a man-hating feminist, and my beautiful husband 😍
Would you marry an uneducated/unambitious man if he's sweet and attractive?
Madison looking like Gru from Despicable Me
Girls, what’s a tip you swear by?
I hate the ‘clean girl’ aesthetic
Am I making a mistake?
how do people take selfies?
the lip filler epidemic needs to ENDDD
Does anyone else have cleaning OCD?
what to do when you’re feeling “blah” about your appearance?
How to tell my boyfriend I want to get a boob job?
is it because he’s a wigga at heart? what’s going on here?
The rise of “lip dysmorphia”
Might start smoking
Dating an autistic man is not for the weak
Thinking about other’s pasts
Can any of y’all make a mean chili
This prayer's for everybody that feels like they're too messed up. For everyone that feels they've said "I'm sorry" too many times
What happened to Madelyn’s face?
who is tate mcrae
Out of curiosity do you think Kylie Jenner would still be with Timothée Chalamet and have gotten her ‘in’ to all these prestigious film events if she had never drastically & cosmetically altered her appearance?
Whatever happened to cool gooners?
Got sad about my ex again after not being sad for a while
More cat men