What's conciousness ?
CMV: Humans aren't meant for anything. We've just evolved to survive.
Is analytic idealism falsifiable?
This is getting outta hand
His parents are Nazis too
Is Deepseek better than ChatGPT at math and programming?
If consciousness is fundamental, what are your theories on how it's determined who we experience life as?
Relation between mind and our idea of it
Does AI give any evidence for nominalism?
Predictions from cosmopsychist considerations
Just want to copy an object like simple Python
Users of r/consciousness, which model of consciousness do you adhere to (ex. Materialism, Dualism, Idealism, etc) and variations thereof? What is your core reasoning?
On memory and "fullness" of the screen of perception
Automatically submitting Telegram posts from public channel to Mastodon.
Help with plotting a point on wxmaxima
Is everyone being forced to reset their password?
This hacker AI really tricked me
I've been trying to dry some pineapples but today these white things were on the pineapple pieces. Are they some form of mold or something else?
On the benefits of eating glass (Why you can never trust anything you read online, ever again)
Has anyone successfully installed nix?