I’m scared! Someone help!
Which brand do you boycott for a petty reason ?
Julia Louis-Dreyfus at the 1995 Emmy Awards
Thoughts on doing the cats this week in this style?
I was involved in a car crash, the pawlice say it was because I was on catnip but that is irrelevant. I can be on nip and drive. Can a pawer help me with nip and drive charges?
Driver in Accident
Help - where to find this fabric?
2012 —> 2013
1931.mt great great aunt was shot in the face and legs, became a cripple but still married her love. What a baddie.
What was the old Telphone system really like
What’s going on with Joann Fabrics closing and everyone being so pissed about it?
He voted for Trump. Now his wife sits in an ICE detention center.
Adopted a new human - advice needed
What Did Casey Kasem Teach You?
Radio - 89x Like?
Sorting some of my loose photos and thought I'd share a few.
USA : Boycott the Red
OMG! Ders a chatGPT for cats!
absolutely devoured Bree Wilde's debut, Between Smoke & Shadow 🖤
LPT: Put your savings into a high yield savings account (It’s free easy money!!!)
LPT: Keeping fresh apples in the refrigerator can keep them fresh for months.
I feel like an old dowager 🥲
[Entry Thread #103] It’s that time where we spring forward! We once again ask for your participation by commenting and entering, then donating to the winner!
Who are some lesser known authors worth looking into?