Lovesick girls(iland2) era comeback?
Intro songs where the idols just just speak/narrate dramatically
NJZ’s Danielle Opens Up About Trainee Struggles in Instagram Live (Summary)
KLC colored highlights
How do you guys annotate lol
How do I love myself?
Bob Ong Books at PBF
KiiKii x H2H... Which way are you leaning?
Why do you like buttons?
Kindle or Kobo as first ereader?
What’s up with those brands collaborating with NJ outside Ador ?
Why Does NJZ (NewJeans) Trust MHJ So Much?
Team Ruby / Alter ego / Rosie / Amortage ?
Do you think Hybe/ADOR actually wants to work with NewJeans again?
Unpopular Opinion: Blackpink rushed into their solo careers too soon.
I don’t think I can support New Jeans again
Hanni’s story
Any new gg with songs or concepts you find refreshing?
BA II Plus calculator returning wrong answers
Ador responding with “we’ll clarify in court tomorrow” is exactly what NJ should be doing.
Maybe nwjs are right?
Thoughts on this policy?
I Skipped Work Because I Feel Stuck in a Career I No Longer Love
On counterfeit books
Femme fatale in kpop