Angriest song you know?
Lyrically, what’s the best album of all time?
Overall, do you think the 90s or 2000s was a stronger decade for music?
What’s your favourite song on Brand New Eyes?
Do the latest editions modernise the books?
What is the ANGRIEST album ever?
Angriest Paramore song?
The two ‘creepiest’ Slipknot songs (arguably), which do you prefer / find creepier?
What is your favourite album of all time and your favourite movie of all time?
Which of these two iconic Paramore albums are better?
Pick a team, what album do you prefer?
Thoughts on Vespertine - Bjork?
Horses or Radio Ethiopia?
Thoughts on Vespertine’s Aurora?
What are some of your favourite underrated/less talked about tracks from classic albums?
Thoughts on Hounds of Love?
What is your opinion of Paramore?
I don’t know who Todd is, but this seems like a general music sub?
Vespertine or Kid A?
What is your favourite of these two 1997 classics?
What do you think of Kate Bush’s debut song Wuthering Heights?
What are your thoughts on the first two Slipknot albums?
Uncut Magazine’s 500 Greatest Albums of All Time (2024)
Your favourite albums that aren’t the usual choice for those artists?
What Bjork album do you like more? Homogenic or Vespertine?