Locks in*
The recent translation team removed these panels and changed Enma's name
DAY 2: Who is deathly afraid of needles?
This one image created and carried the entire Simo nation for 6 years , crazy that we won't have to use it anymore......so long partner
R11 fans I have a task for yall
Am I the only guy that last found about this?
Simo and Radgridr will be the best Fighter x Valkyrie duo ever trust. And Loki vs Simo will be the best round. Trust
I Lied, Here’s Another Roster
Loki fans after getting called "psychos, incel defenders, communists" for simply liking the character
My snv oc art + her chibi version
Wimo movement
I haven't been this hyped since Round 8. I can already tell both of these boys are going to cook. Glory to the Simo & Loki agendas
Simo fans are the most oppressed people
Guys, let's prepare for the worst....
How i think the Round 11 Chapter will go
Found this on Pinterest, share your likings
Apocalypse of the Waifus ROUND SIX! HOLY you guys REALLY love Anne! we got the first low-diff of the tournament with a score of 39-5! Moving on, today's round is Göndul vs Hrist (Vote by commenting who you think is better)
What would happen if even in the next fight after this...
Do you think Prometheus is still alive if so then how is he going to win
Something I saw on TikTok :)
Day 11 - Replace the fighters in Ragnarok BUT keep the themes and roles the characters play! Who will replace The Allfather, Odin and The Flying General, Lu Bu Fengxian? NO DOWNVOTING and ONE REPLACEMENT PER COMMENT!
Loki is cooked
Chat was Buddha upscaled?
I literally have no idea who's going to win this round, the death flag on both sides are so strong
Lutadores do meu ragnarok