ايه الكرسي
I need unlimited Amin
Ya Allah, bring ease to all of those experiencing any sort of difficulty anywhere in the world.
Recite and repost.
Can I be forgiven for a tattoo before my reversion?
Only Islam can do this
Friday reminders
Friday night reminder كثرةُ الصَّلاةِ على النَّبيِّ ﷺ نُورٌ في الأيَّامِ المُظلِمَاتِ ♥️
Allah akbr
(ايه هدفك فالحياة؟ (برا الدين
In any moment you find yourself silent, say: • La ilaha illAllah • Subhan Allah • Alhamdulillah • Allahu Akbar • Astagfirullah • La Hawla wala qUwwata illa billah • Subhan Allahi wa bihamdihi Subhan Allahil Azeem.✨❤️
Allah said ♥️
Curious about islam
Ameen ❤️
Ameen 🤲🙏
Subhana Allah
Dua to Allah
Allah sees.
Ameen. 🤲🏻
Allah sees,
Daily_Verse (268 days)-13/3/2023