Does D&D Imitate Life or does Life Imitate D&D.
Let us not forget that there are genuinely TERRIBLE BAD DMs out there. Do not support them or their games.
This is the way...
1000 points of rpg employment damage.
Butt hurt... don't care.
10th level spell mishaps...
One of the most annoying creatures in the monster manual.
Lately? Yo Ho Ho...
Do you roleplay level ups as a gradual increase of power or is it like, BAM... instant adrenaline rush and the PC gets that brand new flex?
The real indicator is if they're the leader in charge, then yep, that's the female gnoll.
Still funny after all these years...
So many levels of wrong...
Like grandpa used to say, "if you fake it, chances are they'll take it".
Dont tell me what words mean... i know what words mean.
I have a Reddit crush...
Prime End Cap Reading...
Every single time...
Pick this gem up recently... can't wait to torture my players with it.
I'd even take it further to impose penalties on any class that spams summon familiar or animal companion to trigger traps or treat them as disposable combat fodder.
Kiss those Milestones goodbye...
It's not everyone's cup of tea... but I'm down.
Can't wait to have my PC die in 6th edition!
TPK time...
Machines have no soul...
If you know, you know... if you don't, good for you.