Mustang Beta: Habitation is Uninhabitable - #STARC-159005
Starter ships need some love.
Control Surfaces: What do you use?
Help! I fell through the planet. How do I find my ship again?
This game is unplayable for me
Idris Surfing
Name a ship you wish was good but isn’t.
Recommendation for hotas star citizen can‘t get vkb Gladiator
Gave into my intrusive thoughts, ramped a Cyclone into a freshly opened XL Hangar..
Enjoying living out of my zues cl roc mining in pyro
Picked up a whittling knife for the first time in my life today, this little bit took me 2 hours. Any starter tips for a gal?
Any good recommendations for keybinds for this badboys?
Help! How do you make money mining with a Prospector? Do the gadgets help you break tougher rocks? What beam/modules do you use? (Noob here.)
What would you use this for?
My new setup for DCS
Good places to buy quality used/refurbished joysticks?
A genuine thank you
Mobiglass: Starmap Help
Living a nomadic life has its perks
Can you spawn a Razor a Garage Pad?
Alright… here it is. I think I’m done. I want to be done. I need other people to fund this game. o7 XD
Any updates on the Elevators?
This is the most annoying thing in the game to me right now
Your rescue has arrived.
Hotfix pushed to Live