What's the prettiest name you have ever Heard?
Yumion, the Vidalia onion mascot, on a tshirt at the Vidalia GA visitors center
What triggers your anxiety?
Help, I ordered too much maple syrup. Anyone got a good use? Sauces, glazes, marinades?
When did you last receive a phone number scribbled on a torn off paper?
Thought this brief exchange was amusing
What's something you really enjoy doing but are terrible at?
Couches are much better than beds
If you were a food, what would you be? And why 🍽️
How’d I do ?
Epic Resorts that allow overnight parking / car camping
How was your day?
Camping spontaneously?
I honestly think the cybertruck looks cool
If you only had 10 minutes to hide a paper clip in your house from the FBI, where would you hide it?
Do women like to be titfucked?
EXPENSIVE hobbies that are worth it or almost worth it?
Smokers rights
Current Quiver
what is the coolest state I am missing?
What's something you never understood about the opposite gender?
Not sure how I feel about this. We matched on tinder.
If dry wall gained sentience
Love the random butt photo! Lol
What's your biggest weakness?