How tall / long is Trent's forehead ?
Who has more or better Flexibility ? Tyler or Alejandro
What duo would you love to see more of, I really wanted more B and Dawn Scenes. They were too cute together.
Would you rather have Duncan's Legs or Trent's Forehead ?
Just remember that in a Alternate Universe, Ezekiel actually wins World Tour and gets a happy ending
Which winner from Total Drama has the best chances of winning a second time if they competed in the same season
Adult is complaining
What if Jason Voorhees in FVJ wasn't Stupid ? ( let's say as smart as he was in Part 6 )
Imagine if Zombie Jason could run as fast as Remake Jason :0
Which Dare in " I Triple Dog Dare You! " was worse ?
Let's say Ezekiel Joins All-Stars Cast, Who would he replace and how would he do ?
My take on a Jason. Feel free to critique I'm looking to upgrade the costume.
We all know that Remake Jason is the Smartest Jason, But Who is the SECOND smartest Jason ? ( Film Jasons only )
WHo has the Bigger forehead ( Trent or Noah ) ?
What if Jason Voorhees wasn't blown to peices by the FBI in JGTH
What is your opinion on Mr. Coconut's elimination in TDI
What are your opinions on Jason smilling at the end of Part 3 ( Some people say it's one of the most terryfing scenes in the franchise )
Who is more evil, Micheal Myers or Conal Cochran
Since Damien and Scary Girl ( Lauren ) never interacted in Total Drama Island 2024, How would their interaction go ?
Does anyone remember this masterpeice that Antoons made like 3 years ago XD
Who Would win ? ( Chris McLean ( Batman ) or Owen ( Joker ) )
Would anything change in H40 if Samuel Loomis was still alive in the events of Halloween 2018 ?
How would Jason feel if he accidentally killed his mother by mistake.
What Friday the 13th movie has the best continuity ( Part 1 Doesn't count btw )
Do they have any Mandela effect from the movies?