Do you guys think everyone here is the same skill level?
Anyone Become a Fan of Characters Because of This Game?
Is tamaki considered attractive or not?
The Game should end when someone disconnects
I’m sorry did i just ult cancel a Magneto?
Ranking supports in high Elo
Best way to Star Lord Ult?
(294) I swear Shidou is secretly a Isagi Glazer
How much time will he have left?
The one where I (F) draw my sexual boundary
Alright we know this Movie is great, but just for funsies... what did you dislike about it?
How do the blue lockers have well kept hair
I honestly love rank reset
As a tank, what causes you the most satisfaction?
How I would buff Rocket
You're a CEO
What are some good counters for THIS comp?
Why is Rin getting drawn like Isagi more and more often?
Bitch I am not Hela!
Should I give up before it’s too late
Vanguard mains, how do I counter this little sh*t??
Eric Frankenstein fan art
Some questions about querying
Genuinely how is Luna Snow’s line supposed to be interpreted as anything other than “I suck”
My thoughts on Michael Kaiser as an antagonist