The way "That mean old world might change us." is phrased
5x09 Could Walt have called the cops and had Hank arrested for assault?
Due to recent developments in society/medicine/daily life- will evolution now be greatly slower or changed entirely in humanity?
Why does bro look so diff
I wish the monkeys paw had never been cut off to begin with and whatever he paw wishes it was it is, even if it’s still just a paw
these goddamn spam calls
A person with Stoneman's syndrome, where muscles and connective tissue turn to bone.
Invincible [Episode Discussion] - S03E08 - I Thought You'd Never Shut Up
I tried Whataburger for the first time in 20 years, while in vacation. Are they punishing me?
You think if Dr Elias had the foresight of the Viltrumite threat that he would’ve considered not giving Eve the mental block
Useless Fact: Skeletron, despite being Cthulhu's Skeleton, does not resemble Cthulhu's Skeleton. We could speculate that to fit inside the Old Man, it had to condense itself into a human form. The arms, however- are a perfect match.
Useless Fact: Given that the Twins would be the only visible piece of a reconstructed Cthulhu, they are the only ones built with a fleshy facade. This also implies that Cthulhu would want to be seen as a purely organic being.
You can make any hole bottomless
Why didn’t Stark implement the flamethrower from the Mk.1 onto his newer suits?
This is not a salad I expected.
The point of Eves Mother's talk with Mark since some people are confused
“I killed you” “nO yOu DiDnT”
he realized he wasn't built for this 💔
Did Shapesmith Lie on Purpose?
Well... Now confirmed, RIP to this very not good friend.
Did Cecil actually consider omniman his friend or was he just manipulating again?
Since we should all know by now that this is Dae-ho standing in front of Gi-hun, do you think Gi-hun will forgive him?
What do you think Skeletron thinks of Skeletron Prime? He's the dungeon master, and the cultists under him are building the mechs. do you think he feels a little jealous? Or that he understands he has to be replaced?
small redesign for [SPOILER] cause I think the design just needed SLIGHTLY more oomph
This has got to be a joke