Name one of your favorite songs but replace a word with cat
A band that is obsessed with Saturday Night Live and Mexican food
The pre-1997 Universal Pictures opening. Which film comes first to your mind upon seeing it?
Jennifer Tilly as Celia in Monsters Inc! Her most iconic role?
Jennifer’s actual most iconic role
Interview question ‘how do you influence people’
Moon and Cloud Lighting Phenomenon
What album do you never skip one track on?
What does O.P.P. stand for? (Wrong answers only!)
Name for a band who are obsessed with the boardgame Monopoly.
Name for a band of time traveling Roman emperors
Can’t pair Roger On…
Band name for a bunch of men who get off to peanut butter?
Band name for a gay man who’s a closet heterosexual
I haven't listened to a lot of music so recommend me any album
How do you even use auto-generated captions?
Band name for a group of Biggus Dickus impersonators.
Band name for a group of singing toilets?
Looking for sad songs that don’t feel depressing, just beautifully melancholic.
What songs sound heavenly?
Tell me about the first CD you bought and why you got it
Your medical appointment experiences as a Deaf person
How long for CI incision to heal?
Pullover sweatshirts are now the bane of my existence
Songs that are titled with acronyms for one of their lyrics
Need to Choose a Brand ASAP