Why do me like that?
To be married.
Driving a Kadudu
Glorifying the Hookup Culture
HELB Regrets
I think most relationships are fake
Therapy: Works or Scam.
21yrs-28yrs :What do you do,how much do you make,do you like it and how did you get there?
For women who physically attack men.
Kusota na Mapenzi
A bachelor's Sunday afternoon...
How old is your phone
Successful Women
That beauty standard that you actually don't care about?
Having a crushie on plotmate
Love Triangle kwa Ploti
Apparently Thighs are thicker than blood💀
What Was Your Salary Progression
men and self defense
Rich Kid Anajituma
Can’t a girl catch a break!
600k car recommendations
Flirty flirty
Daddy enda job!