The REAL heaviest intro in grunge
Humans when time machine
I dreamt that Peter Steele loved boats/ships so almost all of their album covers had massive, green oil tankers on them
Nepheli (Fumio)
Is this a meteorite?
Am I a wimp for not wanting to join the military?
The heaviest into to any Grunge song ever
My balls hurt again :(
First arrowhead I have found
Garlic bread good
Trippy Bingus
Crazy Gym Routine
Outjerked HARD by Instagram
My First (countermarked) Owl!
Whatever this is
Bust of Hitler
This is the best grunge artist I’ve heard since Kurt cobain
My balls hurt :(
Fist know woah relic
got a new coffee mug from my mom :)
Huh huh… He said would
Another favorite find. Can anyone land a possible date on this one?
I mostly get it but what kinda maths test takes 3 days for only two questions?