Advice on ESPP for STCG
GRE Department code
MSc Computer Science (AI & ML)
LF Rhyhorn mirrors
Lf 100 random
LF 100 random trades
random trades x100
LF: G.Yamask mirrors (upto 11) and upto 100 randoms
LF 100 randoms for distance XL
FT: 80* Miltank
LF: Mass Chinchou/Lanturn. need a lucky/hundo
Tapu Fini @ low Friendship (can mirror X4)
LF: Registeel mirrors at low friendship
FT: 40x Nosepass + 67x randoms (Cradily, Cranidos, onix etc.)
FT: Nosepass, Hitmon, CradiLy LF: Mirror/Magikarp/Cradily
Alolan geodude mirrors
Favorite recurring joke?
LF 100 Randoms (for XLs and Cday space)
Long term Registeel mirrors (1 a day)
50X Seel and Bergmite mirrors + other trash
FT 40 Clefairy+60 cranidos+ 50 Magnemite + starters all for XLs
Ft- ~200 cranidos+beldum+shieldon mass trades
LF: Regirock Great League mirror and other trash for distance XL
LF: Great League Regirock and/or Lugia mirror
FT: 35X Eeveelutions and eevee, few Shieldon and 30X Dratini, LF:XL distance, anything goes. DM with offers