suicidal meme
I swallowed 12 paracetamol at once 3 days ago
Made a post on r/wholesomeouija where it said trans rights are human rights
I feel like im a pedo
Best Buy of Poland
The only thing that would apply here would be me calling someone stupid in Spanish, but even that's a bit of a stretch. I may have been falsely reported.
Bloxburg is becoming new adopt me?
Bloxburg has reached an all-time low player count of just under 12 thousand players yesterday August 22
banned for playing pilfering pirates
3 days ban out of nowhere
Ask me anything, but edit the question after I reply to make me look bad
Fun in the un
my first legendary :D
mr beast eats rice😂🤣🤣
it wasnt my comment heres link to original post
any idea how to make that custom door work?
Bro is very thankful
It's supposed to say bowl over...
lokalny kukurydziarz
Kris Tyson moment:
I had a stroke reading that