What quotes motivates you?
Anong “Pamahiin” yung inaaply nyo p din until now?
How did you survive “Petsadepeligro” ?
What do ninongs/ninangs do?
Bakit wala ka pa ring ipon?
What’s your body soap?
as a acne-prone skin, what's your BEST facial cleanser?
Boracay Prepandemic
What premium/luxury bags do you own?
What makes you confident?
Why do people these days don’t believe in karma?
What’s your fave social media platform aside from reddit?
What’s one thing that you keep on gatekeeping with your friends?
What’s your saddest memory?
What anxiety d/o do you have or probably you’ve had but undiagnosed?
What’s your weird side?
Does height really matter, especially for girls? Why?
What’s your fetish?
What’s your “motto” in life?
Places in the Philippines you’ve been to who has nicest people?
What’s the most expensive purchase so far for yourself?
got this cute kitten, name is not decided yet, suggest me good names
What humbled you most in your life?
What’s your go-to shoe brand (Daily confort + Style)?
How much budget nyo sa food a month?