Suggest me some more long songs 8+ minutes
Is Paper Mario TTYD playable without knowing the story behind the original Paper Mario?
The fandom completely ignores this
Como se pronuncia Cthulhu?
Sobre os animes
De novo me perguntando da onde vem a porra desse fetiche nojento?
Qual nota você daria para essa bagunça?
minha fanart incrivel
Some cards for a mythology card game concept
Are you happy with the character representing your country?
Thoughts on the starters?
Minor spoiler for the new Z-A trailer
Eu realmente não entendo o porquê ele não fez isso
I went to the women's restroom for the first time today
How is it in your country?
Pepsi é melhor que coca-cola
Could you girls call me Lily?
If you could add one character from a Mario RPG into the next Mario Kart, who would it be and why?
Pi =3
Probably just screeching noises
Acho q essa é a comparação mãos burra q eu já vi nos últimos tempos
The new kart is so much of an upgrade
[hoo] How did you react to not seeing Percy in TLH?
2-3 anos de campanha para as antas se matarem
[pjo] What weapon would you use if you were a demigod?
Tall Woman supremacy