40th anniversary g1 megatron extra pieces?
If you had one of these guys what would you name it?
New Funko Pops (Live action)
Why don’t they make these anymore?
Missing Optimus Prime Arm
Mr. TJ loves to flex his wings. He thinks it will win over Mr. Finn romantically
One of the pieces in my blokees is missing. What do I do now?
Why does Spitelout look way better in the movies than the tv shows?
What I want for series 7
Say gex
Stormfly LA close up!
Anyone want to trade?
Just Pulled Secret Shockwave Blokees on my birthday!
Two codes up for grabs say me in the comments I'll spin a wheel and I'll DM the winner it will end when I feel like it
Does anyone have a complete weight list of all the series? It would be really handy to have
I just realised drago's cloak is made of night fury hide
Esun filament just won't stick to the a1 base
Christmas did me good
Pulled secret grimlock and Bot grimlock today :D
Got my first few blokees yesterday and love them
Please help me find an "M" name for my male peach and cream kitten!
Nice weapon you have cliffjumper .
Dinobots at the beach looking for their missing members
Should I buy girlfriends for my boys?