Sex Worker moms
Official school hours
Chewing gum
Kuruka deni
Fuck Spotify
Craziest thing you did for love: Kenya Edition
Driving a Kadudu
Glorifying the Hookup Culture
Who else?
Men Are Weirdly Interesting.
Faking Cvs
Would you like to have asian trans gf😍
About the boarding schools post
Please observe hand hygiene!
Super metro inspectors are Nasty Business
Qatar Airways ni Takataka
Advice for every kenyan who works for an NGO (Non governmental organization)
What’s one thing your parents did that you passionately won’t?
Drop ur highschool motto
In case you don’t make it through our vigorous driving course!
These girls too petty sometimes!!
What with this mental slavery?
If death sits next to you in a bar and says "finish your drink, it's time to go." what will be your response?