Why did they not just drop them on all sites on the same day like they normally do? 😭
Just got my Vaporeon and Flareon Adventure Partner Keyrings in, and they're absolutely adorable
The Monsterfucker Site
I really wasn't planning on posting more than once today, but I stumbled across something on Chatter so now I HAVE to show people the Abominateons. Sweet Mother of Arceus 😭
r/PokeLeaks Discussion Megathread
Eeveelution keychains and fluffy doggos live on USPC!
I love these goobers more than life itself ❤️
TVTropes doesn't always have the tropes
Elite Four found dead in Laverre City. Cause of death: saying that Eeveelutions are garbage.
Oh boy, somebody challenged Valerie on Chatter (uj/Request from J-masterHD)
Flipping cat ears inside out.
When do you think the Eeveelution keyring plushies will drop on UKPC?
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team Story Transcript Complete!!!
Things get huffy and puffy in /r/pokemon over OP’s fakemon, “Thorax”.
I won’t take this win for GRANT-Ed
Made a mistake at work that definitely isn't going to haunt me for the rest of my life nope no way
Can't imagine a worse fate, poor bastard
Started following Gym Leader Valerie on Chatter, you'd think she was the most serene and graceful person out there if you watched her battles and interviews, but online she's just a lil' Impidimp
Trying to run Lime3DS on my phone but the graphics are flickering and the sound is stuttering.
This subreddit is toxic because someone had to post about the new eeveelution keychains and I HAD TO GET THEM 😂 I really do love it here. It is my comfort subreddit but also the most dangerous one for my wallet 😅
Pokemon Legends ZA is neither a rip-off nor a bland copy of the Miraculous Ladybug
Pokémon ZA has an E10+ rating
I didn't know that plush collecting was so popular among league officials 🤔
Celebrity Crushes
Eeveelution Adventure partners keychains live on USPC