I can't get it together
Say something bad about this album
Any experiences of mixing lsa and mushrooms?
So how bad is the nausea and how long does it last
Mark Davis in shambles
Love these guys, they're my favourite band with great merch; but this is Taylor Swift level ridiculous in the pricing of their recent additions.
Is this jersey legit? I heard the Reebok jerseys are commonly bootlegged so I wanted to make sure this was real before buying.
I don’t know why I like anyone
Masturbation on weed
Those of you who have bought a Devante Adams Jersey. What are you going to do with it?
I'm about to take 23 seeds
Do you like his design?
Morning glory seeds trip attempt.
first time doing dph as a 116 pound female, is 8 pills (200 mg) safe ish??
Say something bad about this album.
I have untreated seeds, should I still wash and what can I do to reduce body load from this point?
Those are your daddy’s rings not yours
WTF is Wrong with Raider Nation???
Today I asked one of my neighbors if I could have a few cuts of her San Pedro behemoth. And she said "of course! Take it all" Here she is helping me break it down.
I will forever cherish this era of the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Any negatives of letting seeds sit before use?
Average Scar Tissue Experience
Kanna and drug tests