No Sock Skaters
Pack / No Pack
Long Femurs?
Mouth guard sizing
Etsy AITA: Bought a tie for a wedding that’s arriving after we leave
What age will I stop telling my son to go back to sleep and start telling him to get up?! 😭
Should I quit?
Tarantula in weird position
People who made a small decision that completely changed your life, what happened?
What time do you usually have your last cup of tea for the day?
When I was homeless, I once ate a half eaten pizza slice that someone had thrown away into the dumpster.
Why you need to be careful while feeding your T...
My employer wants me to use an app to access my office building
How does one "eat like a Brit"?
My first embarrassing typo
I've surprised myself that I've never thought about a cheese toastie with baked beans. I don't know if this is very right or very wrong.
AITAH for telling my wife she smells bad?
What other pets eat the same diet as Leos?
You won't guess what my daughter named our leo based on this photo...
My (M31) best friend (M33) is broke, I've been offering him a job in the restaurant I work for months and today he confessed he doesn't want to be a server because it' 'low' and people'd lose respect for him. I'm deeply offended
My 15 year old gecko passed today
Pixel watch 2 wont charge above 76%
I thought, there's no way you are fitting under that desk
Why is my mouse caked up?
Single dad and I can't win.