What’s it like being you?
Big dicks are good for bragging, but not for sex.
People that are "different" should flee the US
What’s the best decision you’ve ever made in your life?
How do you gain confidence?
I think cheating isn't that bad a thing
What’s a sign that somebody had a terrible childhood?
Cold pizza is nasty AF.
Would you rather respond to every question someone asks you for the rest of your life with a "Yes" or a "No"?
How Forgiveness Harms Society
Had a medical today and I grew an inch taller at 32. Is that possible?
Why do singers tap their feet ?
What do you want right now?
We are always in “nostalgia” times
Death is a good thing.
Do you have a crush on your SO?
The paradox of needing to be happy without a relationship to be happy in a relationship
I wish i was a psychopath
What word would have you rich if you got a dollar every time you said it?
What tattoo do you want to get?
Would you rather your crush had a crush on you back or get $10,000?
Would you rather smell all the time like pizza or burgers?
What are you doing for your birthday?
Long-term relationships without marriage aren’t as bad/unserious as people make them out to be.
I miss Toys R Us