What will music look like in 2030 and beyond?
who has the best music taste?
Albums where band name and album name feels swapped?
What's a popular band that you love that isn't respected/spoke about in the music nerd world
the carti album is AWFUL lmfao
What albums come to mind?
band whos best album is so far above the rest you dont even wanna listen to their other albums?
Who do you think are the edgiest edgelords in music?
I'll give it a try genre don't matter
what is the most average hip hop song you have ever heard?
Evolution of my most listened to stuff over the past few years. Best and worst year? (I think I can already guess most people's verdict)
r/Topster's favorite albums by genre day 5: Goth
I have the absolute worst taste of all time. Please don't be too harsh.
Pink Floyd: Worst to Best
In which Years did I have my Best and Worst Music Taste?
Albums with perfect night time vibes?
what artist do you like that everyone hates
Who is truly an “underrated” drummer?
If you could wipe an artists work from the face of the earth what would it be?
Song you're never tired of, even though it's everywhere?
Tell me your favorite song and I’ll give it a rating out of 10
What's the best debut album of the 2020's? (So far)
Songs with an Epic Climax!
Which musicians do people automatically assume everyone must like?