Can the replicator replicate blood ?
So... started Enterprise... and needed to pause after the theme song... because I was laughing so much.
Here's a minor nitpick, I personally find it WEIRD almost no one personalizes their door chime.
Yeah...I liked Nemesis for what it was(emphasis on "for what it was")...but Insurrection was better.
So for real, WHY did they pair off Seven and Chakotay?
Did the holographic duck blinds get officially banned? I hope they did.
On the one hand "Author Author" felt like a... MASSIVE retread of "Measure of a man"-
Put. Aunt. Dirt. In. The. THEME SONG!
I really like JRJRs art but do most people dislike it?
Long ass week
Peter and MJ are genuinely doomed in 616 like this is a crazy mindset (Breevort’s words)
I know he was a side character, but it bugged me that the Klingon Chef on DS9 never got a name.
As a Graydemi man, I... REALLY wish DC had better rep than a small profile description for 4boot Brainiac 5 in a random pride special page.
What is the worst comic book or graphic novel you’ve ever read?
I love that they are acknowledging his pain and justified anger
Dear Koala, Voyager really abused time shenanigans as a concept huh?
Great North | S05 E03 "Bots on the Side Adventure" | Episode Discussion
Who among the Warp Drive 5 would be an ace at Stratagema?
Characters who had terrible parents but broke the cycle with their own kids
So could they not replicate the Mobile Emitter on Voyager?
Voyager is a Horror Series
Describe a Cartoon Poorly. I’ll go first.
On the ONE hand I'd like Tom and Bellana to have had more coupley moments -
Who’s your favourite minor character?
If You Can’t Beat Em,Show Off