Numbers in madagascar
Why is this happening?
Would you date a vaper?
How many digits of pi do you know?
This is just beautiful
Joy on bulge
Why is my GBA games lapping over each other?
Today's game- What's yours?
Peeling back plate on New 3DS XL
Inspired by Adam Savage, I made a precise ruler wallpaper for iPhone 14 Pro
New Wallpapers.
Why was I made?
Modern app store icon and also videos app?
Changed buttons to black
TIL that "Innocent drinks" (smoothies, etc.) is owned by The Coca Cola company
Facebook Market score
If money wasn't an issue, would you go for the upgrade to black rims?
I like the Fiat Multipla
What is the ugliest car ever made?
My most used word on Reddit is love 🥹
What’s something you have never, and most likely will never believe in?
Woke up to my Hyrule 3DS looking like this
Roses are red…
Smart #3 Brabus