[PC] H:2k caps W: gatling plasma prime receiver
H: Glowing Blue Devil Mask W: 4x Pin-Pointers
H: Demon Mask W: Pin-Pointers mod
H: GSB mask W: .45 ammo
any idea on the price of this nowadays?
H: Mods,caps. W: pepper shaker plan
Thinking of getting this for my first tattoo. Thoughts?
Why are you on the sub?
Is this guy a hacker? (Insane shield and hull on an interceptor)
“Combat Rebalancing” = Big fat nerf to V.A.T.s
W:enclave plasma rifle H:leaders
H:25K Caps W:God/Decent Role Gauss Rifle
W:vamp mod H:noct mod, med mal, 3k caps, some other stuff
This game is keeping me going.
Inside the Vault – Gleaming Depths Combat Balancing Public Test Server
W:[1]Rapid Mod Box H:[3] Aristocrat
H: Trades W: Missing Fixers and HM Rifles
H:mods w: vital mod
Help with a price check on these mods
I finally hit level 1000. Can I sit at the cool kids table now?
H: Caps, Moth plans, Red Bronto plan W: Enclave Plasma Flamer
H:q2525 b2525 fixer W:b2525 epr
H: Mods W: Other Mods
W: Plan: Ultracite Gatling Laser H: 30k Caps or more
H: Fasnacht mask (Buffoon) + Enclave Aligned flamer + 20k caps W: Enclave Reflex Sight.