What will you say?
New modern MVC2 stick
My dad Ca. 1975- his job was fun.
Tips on the Sentinel mirror match
Is this a good mixup?
Do you play with controller or sticks?
I hate whoever decided to make the far right lane on Roscoe a bus lane.
What’s your most underrated assist?
What do you practice in this game?
Tips for Iron Man fly/unfly combo?
Another one, 33m, call me Mr steal your culture, some photos in response to the last roast
Looking for a game that I can get lost in?
Marvel vs Capcom 2
For those who’ve successfully masterworked a shako with CDR x 3, how much gold did it take you?
Rate My Build
Cheapest Char for t6 or t7 hordes?
When did you switch to lightning spear?
Why is the U.S. not winning Olympic Shooting?
How to improve?
Panthera EVO not worth it (see pictures)
New to Diablo completely, I want to play something like an Archer or like ranged. What class do I choose?
I (30F) got naked and the guy wouldn’t fuck me
ultimate twink item? relying on basic skills
Who here makes 100k+ without overtime as a ADN or BSN RN?
Rivals tier list by class