520759575146 Kurta Pikachu
Full SBC Storage with 83 rated
Best CB you have used under 200k?
WB Lucario 5 ready 614118043938
Hundo🥳 Who should i fuse to?
WB reshiram 5 ready 614118043938
Use the new Ps+ on your future star?
WB Terrakion 5 ready 614118043938
WB virizion 5 ready 614118043938
Terrakion on me can invite 10 908920123878
Terrakion, Verizion, and Cobalion! Will be walking around doing a mix of raids. Only add if you’re happy to join any. Will add as many people as I can over the next hour or so. 424771884451
Why is stuck on level 5?
Where should i Play him?
Kyurem 4863 5050 3767
✨Mega garchomp 6 ready 614118043938✨
Mega garchomp 6 ready 614118043938
Have a couple white kyurems right now. 10 people lobby add me. 706430967364 (comment ur ig name pls)
Which promo is better?
Kyurem Black, doing 2 raids, please be patient 4686 3097 6111